Saturday, August 31, 2019

Moral philosophy analyzes Essay

Judith A Boss has clearly brought out an overview abstract in her book Ethics for life. She employs an up to date tone in bringing out the moral development which makes it easy for the reader to relate their own experience on moral growth. Having explored the moral issues in real life, this book aims at significantly improving the readers’ ability to make key decisions on their morality. Book Review – Judith. A. Boss, Ethics for life In contrast to Judith Boss view on ethics, Aristotle held that ethics is something that helps man to be able to keep from error which may subsequently result due to a weakness thus making him have a good happy life. In other words, he associates ethics with the happy life which is enhanced by virtue. Based on his definition of ethics, a person should posses a set of character that will lead him into being a better person thus making the people have morally good characters. He further explains that a person’s virtue has to come from within. His theory is that virtue is a natural choice or principles that a man uses in determining what is right and wrong for him to live a good life (Huener, 1992). Based on her book, the social aspects of life is significant to ethics due to the fact that they analytically act as a foundation for testing ideas about moral development and human nature. Judith A Boss view on ethics is seen as an incorporated structure of philosophy. She analyzes the issue by attempting to explain how a person can grow ethically to be able to develop the society by establishing what is right from what is considered wrong (Boss, 2001, p. 3). Additionally, the book clarifies and gives examples on how ethics acts as a guide to moral decision making for realization of a complete life. In her argument, Boss explains that making the wrong choices in life tend to lead to unhappiness (Boss, 2001, p. 47). Various theories on morality have tried to come up with justifications and guidance for decision making about the right and the wrong. According to Judith Boss, moral theory is not only a means of providing the reasons underlying decision making but it also calls for consistency in our thinking as well as ignorance of beliefs that are usually held in common and are not consistent. Boss explains that a good moral theory is one that provides guidance for resolving and thinking about moral issues (Boss, 2001, p. 3). While looking at the justification of morality, Boss looks at how moral philosophy points out that there is a higher morality. Moral philosophy analyzes and evaluates the principles, virtues and attitudes that are usually used by specific groups of people or culture with regard to principles and concerns that are universally accepted. However, moral philosophy also holds that the justification of morality should not be motivated by self interest; therefore ethical conduct can only be accepted if it is viewed from a somewhat universal perspective (Boss, 2001, pp. 100-132). Besides, Boss explains the importance of social sciences to ethics by saying that they test ideas about moral development, human nature and society systematically. She also adds her view on concepts of human nature by saying that they are useless and highlighting that they could be harmful if in any case they are not grounded in reality. According to Boss, our moral decision making can not be guided sufficiently by good intentions alone (Boss, 2001, pp. 100-132). Such are the ideals brought out in Aristotle’s life history. Aristotle viewed ethics as an attempt to establish the major end or highest good. Aristotle also holds that as humans, our most important activity as humans is the pursuit of good life and since morality is what expresses our human nature fundamentally, it is only when we are being moral that we are happiest (Iloveindia. com). Reference Boss J A. (2001). Ethics for life. McGraw Hill. Pp. 3-132 Huener. , M. (1992). An examination of Aristotle’s ethics. Retrieved October 1, 2008 from http://home. sprynet. com/~owl1/arist2. htm Iloveindia. com. (2008) Aristotle. Retrieved October 1, 2008 from http://festivals. iloveindia. com/teachers-day/famous-teachers/aristotle. html

Handling the Dilemma over Community vs Institutional Corrections Essay

It is the first day of break and Jimmy wants to have a good time with his friends. Long story short, Jimmy decided to drive home drunk and crashed into another car. The driver of the other car passed away.What kind of punishment should Jimmy receive? It seems fair for him to spend time in prison. Should he see probation after the jail time? How much? This scenario helps introduce the dilemma we have today as a society about institutional vs. community corrections. Punishment for crime has always been an issue for debate. With the growth of the American colonies, the colonists needed a system of punishment for lawbreakers. Many methods developed in Europe meant to bring shame to those offenders were adopted. Around this time, the world saw a change in punishment ideology; some began to stress that humans are not perfect and make mistakes. Thus, there should be more reform as well as punish. In 1682, William Penn made a push for change. He limited the death penalty to cases of murder only and called for fines and imprisonment for most offenses. This is widely considered the beginnings of the prison system in the U.S. He also helped start the creation of jails, like the High Street Jail. The first federal prisons were established in 1891. Before this date, prisons were organized by states and territories. The establishment of parole and probation, or community corrections, began in the 1870s. There has always been and most likely always will be a huge social dilemma on what types and to what extent punishment should be laid out. Both institutional and community corrections have their pros and cons. One thing is for certain, however, that we do need a mixture of both. The current prison system has a number of advantages. Incarceration keeps criminals away from the public theoretically making the public safer. Imprisonment also punishes the convicted criminal by taking away, in a sense, their life at least for a short period. This type of punishment should have the effect of deterring the offender from repeat crimes as well as others from committing crimes. Current prison systems are meant to be rehabilitative. Structure and discipline is provided by the prisons so as to educate and provide therapy for inmates. With the good also comes the bad. Housing a large population of criminals together can lead to networking and an anti-social encouragement to continue crime. Probably the biggest knock on imprisonment is that there is a huge cost associated with housing an inmate. The public and law-abiding citizens essentially pay for the living accommodations of a criminal. The financial toll hits those families directly associated with the criminal. It is harder for a family to get by if an income is removed. If a family ends up needing government aid, the public is again paying for that. It can also be said that prisons lack the necessary resources to properly rehabilitate and to address the issues of how they got to prison. One last disadvantage is that every prisoner is treated the same. A murderer would be treated the same as a thief. This may not necessarily be fair. Community-based corrections, on the other hand, also have a number of advantages. It is usually said that community corrections are practical and less expensive alternatives to imprisonment. Keeping an offender convicted of a minor crime in the community and out of a jail filled with hardened criminals would theoretically do a better job at rehabilitating the person and keep them functioning socially. Community corrections mainly offer the solution to the tendency of inmates to learn anti-social behaviors. Families will largely stay intact. Supervision and restrictions can help the person learn to be a more highly functioning member of society. Training programs and job placement work along these same lines. Community corrections may also have negative outcomes. For one, criminals will still be walking the streets. If an offender is set to live in a halfway house, the community around the house could become undesirable. Nearby residents may feel threatened. Community corrections are not totally free either. Systems like halfway houses do cost money, although the overall cost of community corrections is appealing in comparison to institutional corrections. Many believe that â€Å"prisonization is tantamount to socialization into a criminal culture. Therefore, being in a prison is thought equivalent to being in a school for crime (Tittle, 263).† Research has shown that inmates will often grow loyalty each other and can develop a hostility towards prison officials. The society in a prison is largely based on putting value in things not as valuable otherwise. The overall effect is not one conducive to rehabilitation into society. Some do say, however, that attitudes and behaviors such as this â€Å"become less salient as the time nears for return to the outside (Tittle, 264)† This ins ight can show how many might simply adapt to prison culture and can readjust once freed. Still, the risk of anti-socialization is there. The argument can be made that prisons are not the greatest device for rehabilitation but that community corrections are not currently adequate. A push for improvements is being made. Prohibitive costs of constructing and operating jails make it impossible to get out of this corrections crisis even if the public wants toughness on crime (Rosenthal, 1). Policymakers are making a push towards more effective transition and community supervision. One large problem with this changing corrections climate, is that rehabilitation is being overshadowed by protection of the public and promotion of justice (Rosenthal, 1). One last important point to make about a need for more effective community corrections is that there is an increase in the number of drug and alcohol abusers and prisons are not the best place for these offenders. Innovations have been made in community corrections such as intensive supervision probation/parole (ISP), home confinement with or without electronic monitoring, and residential options in community corrections. It is encouraging to see developments but the system in general is ineffective.†Unlike some countries, we have no national probation service to provide service uniformly across all parts of the country (Burrell, xv).† There are federal, state, county, and even municipal level providers. It is hard to be efficient and effective with such a non-standardized system. A Canadian study showed that â€Å"well-designed and well-implemented correctional treatment programs can produce significant reduction in recidivism (Burrell, xvii).† The overarching factor in the correctional dilemma is that we should attempt to do what is best for society. Justice does need to be served and prisons are a necessary evil, but not always best at rehabilitation. Without proper rehabilitation, we will see repeat offenders. Community corrections offer better opportunities at re-entry but, of course, this is not always feasible or fair. An often overlooked portion of this dilemma is the families. Not only will the criminal be a lost cause if rehabilitation is a failure but often the families may fall into a state of failure as well. A study shows that two thirds of family members of incarcerated persons see substantial financial decline, general health decline, and damage to relationships with children and other family members (Arditti, 199-200). This certainly is not beneficial for society. In my opinion, there is a trend to be seen in this correctional dilemma. This trend appears to be that the main issue is a lack of effectiveness in rehabilitation. It is also very clear that institutional corrections is not usually conducive to widespread rehabilitation. This lends the idea that community corrections and the community in general provide the real hope. We also now know that the community system is fragmented and decentralized and needs improvement. This is not to say that we need to completely stray away from prisons. Surely, that is out of the question. It is a necessary evil. To better society as a whole, community corrections need to be improved. I believe that we should move towards a system where only the most severe of offenders see true hard jail time. Further, a focus and monetary support should be put towards a unified community corrections system that is more apt at rehabilitating offenders. This is no small task. My opinions can be expounded upon as such: For all violent offenders and those committing crimes with wide-ranging effects should see times behind bars without question. Data shows that there are large numbers of non violent offenders behind bars. Being that it is extremely costly to house a prisoner it would be beneficial to attempt to cut down on non violent offenders behind bars. The push would then be to turn to more social and community based ways of punishment. It would seem that this would be more conducive of rehabilitation. This group of offenders having committed non violent crimes may have more hope of becoming productive members of society once again. There is a certain level of toleration to be had. We must understand that there will always be criminals and some will never be fixed. Further, any system will never work perfectly. In my opinion, though, it seems there needs to a slight shift in momentum towards community corrections for economic, societal, and rehabilitative reasons. Works Cited Arditti, Joyce A., Jennifer Lambert-Shute, and Karen Joest. â€Å"Saturday Morning at the Jail: Implications of Incarceration for Families and Children.† Family Relations 52.3 (2003): 195-204. JSTOR. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This scholarly article was originally published in the journal, Family Relations. This article is meant to explore the implications of criminal sanction policies on the families of felony offenders. More specifically, the article focused on the social, health, and economic characteristics of parents and children to these offenders under incarceration. I found the article to be interesting and thorough overall, but much of it was more than what I needed for the purposes of this paper. Still, I found the article to be helpful in my research and proved to be useful for anecdotes. As such, this source was used mainly for supplemental information. Burrell, William D. â€Å"Community Corrections Management.† Civic Research Institute (n.d.): n. pag. JSTOR. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This article is part of the Civic Research Institute. The article is intent on discussing the Community-Based Corrections System in general. The author takes the point of view that it is a decentralized and fragmented system. The article further discusses probation and parole along with developments in these areas. Finally, it explores the future of the system. I found the article to be helpful to my understanding of the community corrections system and to see where it might be heading. I used this article mainly for informational purposes and general understanding. Inciardi, James A. Criminal Justice. 8th ed. Orlando: Academic, 1984. Print. This source is the textbook for our Introduction to Criminal Justice course. It is meant to provide an overview of the structure, processes, and problems of the criminal justice system in the United States. The book provides lots of basic and some in depth information and accompanying support, data, and analysis. I find the book to be helpful and capable ox offering explanations easy to comprehend. I have used this book mainly as a guide and a source for general information on the topic and not for more in depth purposes. Rosenthal, C. S. â€Å"Opportunities in Community Corrections.† National Criminal Justice Reference Service. National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 1989. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . This article published in the National Criminal Justice Reference Service is focused on why there would be community based corrections, what they are, how effective they have been, and what is the future looking like. Similar to another article I have cited, this scholarly journal article does a good job of painting the big picture of community corrections. I particularly liked how this article was thorough in starting off with the basics and going into developments and then finally int o some analysis. This proved to be a helpful article in the formation of my opinion. Tittle, Charles R. â€Å"Institutional Living and Rehabilitation.† Journal of Health & Social Behavior 13 (1972): 263-73. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This source is an article published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior on the topic of Institutional Corrections. The author of this article seeks to provide information and research on the extent to which incarceration is or can be rehabilitative. He finds and explains three characteristics thought to have anti-rehabilitative consequences. I found this journal article to be helpful at providing a detailed analysis of institutional corrections, both the presumed advantages and disadvantages. I used this mainly for more in depth conclusion drawing.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Love and Perfectly Good Children Essay

Wislawa Szymborska expresses a negative opinion towards love and lovers in her poem â€Å"True Love.† In the beginning, the speaker questions the value of love and appears to be very bitter towards the idea. Ultimately, she cleverly uses the lovers to show how one’s perception can be changed when they are passionate about their beliefs. Initially, the speaker questions the complete happiness of couples who seem to be in ‘true love’. The speaker states, â€Å"What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own? / place on the same pedestal for no good reason†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3-5). Here, the speaker sarcastically implies: What does the world or those surrounding them (so to speak) get out of them being happily ever after in their own world, while placing each other on a pedestal for no apparent reason. These questions are intended to make the reader think about true love and its significance. â€Å"What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own? / Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lines 3-5) Subsequently, the speakers discouraging statements towards love is shown through the choice of words in the questions asked. The speaker questions, â€Å"True love. Is it really necessary? /†¦Perfectly good children are born without its help. /†¦It comes along so rarely.† (27, 30 and 32). Here, the speaker suggests: Is true love even really necessary? For, perfectly good people exist without being conceived through love; as it happens almost ever. These statements are meant to convince the reader as to why true love should be an afterthought as it isn’t needed to bear children and life goes on just fine without it. â€Å"True love. Is it really necessary? /†¦Perfectly good children are born without its help. /†¦It comes along so rarely.† (Lines 27, 30 and 32) Lastly, the speaker’s contradictory choice of words in the final stanza tells us that s/he ratifies the idea of true love. She professes, â€Å"Let the people who never find true love/keep saying that there’s no such thing.† (33-34). Here, the speaker affirms that despite all of her negative point-of-views previously stated, the more one doesn’t need to believe in love†¦the stronger in reality they confirm its importance. This statement tells the reader that, regardless of her disparaging tone, if one believes that true love does not exist before experiencing it or due to a bad experience, they’ve only lost their chance or more less confirmed their worst fear of true love actually existing. So from this perspective, ignorance is bliss because it is possibly better to be happy and clueless about love than to be sad because of the irreversible pain it might cause. â€Å"Let the people who never find true love/keep saying that there’s no such thing.† (Lines 33-34) Confusing is the best way to describe Szymborska’s poem. The speaker’s tone is very critical and bitter, s/he uses harsh language such as â€Å"deceptive† (Line 18), â€Å"outrage† (Line 11†) and describes love as a â€Å"plot† (Line 21) to emphasize her argument. In this way, s/he leads the reader to believe that she does not believe in, nor support the idea of true love.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

(Personal Recruitment)choose employee interview Essay

(Personal Recruitment)choose employee interview - Essay Example inal hiring decisions, tracking applicant flow, managing employment support staff and developing strategies for filling future employment opportunities that arise. Moreover, references from Harvard showed that she maintained an A average throughout school, which demonstrates her intellectual prowess, which in turn means that she would be very good at making decisions, tracking, managing staff and developing strategies for future requirements. Her references from Salient stated: â€Å"Jada is a no nonsense type of employee who always gets the job done. She hires quality employees who tend to perform well once employed.† This further establishes that she would be able to select talented and productive candidates for a fast growing bio-tech company that receives many federal government contracts. Salient’s references go on to say that â€Å"She is not especially popular among her fellow co-workers and seems to think she is smarter than everyone else. She is out-spoken to superiors, peers and subordinates and seems to intimidate others. Jada was recently passed over for a promotion and has threatened to file a discrimination suit against us.† Although, this may sound alarming at once, but if one reflects on Jada’s background it is easy to understand. As an African American (black), Jada most probably had to fight at every step of the way to accomplish her current position. Even, today it is not easy for an African American to make it to Harvard, and Jada most probably not only had the brains but also the brawn to make it in an institution and culture dominated by the white population. Hence, it is not surprising that her stance is rather aggressive and she behaves overconfidently with her peers and superiors, but as long as this does not affect her and the organization’s work negatively, this should not be a problem. And Salient, clearly states that she is very efficient and lets nothing get in the way of her duty; this is most reassuring and even her

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Running Groups For Adults Who Have Profound Mental Retardation Essay

Running Groups For Adults Who Have Profound Mental Retardation - Essay Example Right from the time the group is set up to the time it completes its tasks, objectives, or goals, persons with special needs have to be at the center stage of every activity being undertaken. The team leader and all other members in the group have to be conscious about their colleagues who have profound mental retardation. The leader should set operational strategies for the group in such a way that accounts for every single individual on board. The activities that need to be undertaken in regard to persons with profound mental retardation in a group setting might not be met all at once. However, a time to time approach to these activities can be adopted in line with the group schedules over the entire time the group will remain operational. In order to do this, team leadership skills have to be eminent. While the priority in this case is to be as helpful as possible to the group members with profound mental retardation, the other part of the group cannot be solely ignored (Sonnentag & Volmer, 2010). It is fundamental to consider and balance all matters of concern in the group. In order to ensure a smooth run of the group, skills training comes in handy. This does not necessarily have to only involve the group members and their leader, but can also involve an expert in the field of dealing with persons with profound mental retardation. This expert can be an institutional staff or any other person that the group is comfortable working with. The involvement of an expert in the group matters enables the group to manage any merging issues that may negatively affect the overall success of the group. On the same note, when there is an essentially qualified and experienced advisor or mentor to guide the group, the integration of all ideas and arguments of individual members is easy. Moreover, this enables understanding and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Collective Bargaining at West University Assignment

Collective Bargaining at West University - Assignment Example In today’s world, management has become well-aware of efforts such as employee engagement that increases employee’s productivity, lowers production cost and improves the quality of final products and services. Likewise, labor unions are realizing that they can assist their members by developing co-operative relations with management rather than fighting with them. Even in the corporate world, U.S. labor laws are created to reduce mistrust and opposition between management and labor. For instance, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was passed for encouraging collective bargaining and balancing the power of workers with that of the management; the legislation even assists in the elimination of the company’s practices of setting up unions with the purpose of discouraging outside unions to organize their employees. As a result of this law, companies were prohibited to provide support or allow the creation of labor organization. In this case of West University, the congregation of unionists is justified by labor law and they have the right of collective bargaining on matters related to their service terms. However, the labor law, in this case, does not bound employers in the effective expression of controversial issues with unionists; employers can choose to ignore unionists’ wants. Basically, the union is strong only for the rights that it can fight for and be crippling it on its instructions make certain that its relevance has no meaning. Hence, the labor law indirectly suppresses unionization. In every organization, determination of an individual who is providing service is considered either to be a contractor or an employee; it is largely dependent on that person’s involvement with service’s owner.

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Trade Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Trade Law Assignment - Essay Example At the apex is the Ministerial Conference, with many types of councils, committees and specialized working groups working toward the goal of helping producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business. The WTO manages its primary objective of helping trade between nations by: administering trade agreements, acting as a forum for trade negotiations, settling trade disputes, reviewing national trade policies, and by assisting developing countries in trade policy issues through technical assistance and training programs and cooperating with other international organizations. With over 150 members, each representing diverse economic and cultural background, the desire is not to create a trading system. The WTO manages to do this through consensus. Trade agreements are a result of negotiations between member nations must be ratified by members parliaments. These agreements clearly outline the rights and obligations and ensure a smooth and fair trading system. Through these agreements, the WTO helps decrease trade barriers. The general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) was formed after the secound world war in 1947. It was singed by 23 countries. This purpose of GATT was to dismantle the high protectionist barriers that were then in existence and had incresed since the war (Gillingham 2002). The main objectives of GATT included the elimination of quotas, the gradual reduction of tariffs, the elimination of non-tariff trade barriers and equality between member countries. GATT was mostly numerous series of negotiations rounds. These mainly focused on the reduction of tariffs. Here the GATT was very successful, in only eight negotiation rounds it was able to reduce tariffs from 40% to below 4%. The later negotiations focused also on anti-dumping and non-tariff measures. The negotiations round in Punta del Este in Uruguay 1986 was to become the starting block for The World Trade Organisation (WTO), it later became known

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analysis of a management practitioner article using relevant Essay

Analysis of a management practitioner article using relevant organisational behaviour theory - Essay Example Taylor to a certain extent stressed that just monetary reward will motivate workers to perform better. Even though production dramatically increased, resentment and anger towards management ran high. The biggest impact that changed the outlook of the management world was the Hawthorne Studies (1923 - 1933), which indirectly established that workers motivate to other factors other than money and that they will perform better when they are appreciated. From then on theories that specifically stressed employee behaviour emerged. There is a marked difference in the approaches of the early theorists, and modern thinkers. While the early theories stressed that workers were motivated by money and that there were no conflict of interest between the goals of the workers and the organization. Now it is universally recognized that organizations are social entities and not just economic ones, workers are not motivated by money alone, there can exist conflict of interest between the employees' and organizational goals, employees need not always behave logically and existence of informal groups affect employee behaviour. "These studies added much to our knowledge of human behaviour in organizations and created pressure for management to change the traditional ways of managing human resources. The Human Relations Movement pushed managers toward gaining participative support of lower levels of the organization in solving organization problems. The Movement also fostered a more open and trusting environment and a greater emphasis on groups rather than just individuals" (Wertheim). A theory known as Theory Z has incorporated American and Japanese Management practices was propounded by Mr. William Ouchi in 1981. The salient points of this theory is efforts to provide long term employment, a hand in decision making, individual responsibility in the place of collective responsibility, slow evaluation of work and slow promotion and a concern toward the not only the employee but his family as well. "In 1981, William Ouchi came up with a method that would combine American and Japanese managing practice together to form Theory Z. In order for him to accomplish this, he had to learn about the Japanese culture. He had to find out why the Japanese quality and productivity were much higher than the American" (Colon). Literature review Organisational behaviour is the study of the behaviour of the human resources and its impact on the organisation. "Organisational Behaviour (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations" (Organisational behaviour. 2007). Organisational behaviour is the sum total of the behaviour of the employees in the organisation. The attitude of the management has great influence over the organisational behaviour. A better interpersonal relationship is very essential for a better organisational be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Concepts - Essay Example The references that will be used are from Zen studies and its philosophical concepts, and also the famed work of Japan’s famed swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Zen is the Japanese name of schools that belong to Mahayana Buddhism. Zen emphasizes the role of sitting meditation in pursuing enlightenment for the benefit of others, thus emphasizing compassion. Though considered simply a practice by most of its Western practitioners, Zen is in fact nothing less than a school of Buddhism; thus, it can even be considered a religion. It was only during the last century or so that Zen began to be viewed by Westerners as a philosophy, a way of life, a part of work, an art form, among others. Satori is a Zen philosophical term for reaching enlightenment. The word literally means "to understand." To emphasize further, it refers to "deep" or lasting enlightenment. Satori can be found in all life experiences for it is wrapped in all daily activities. Hence, the goal is to unwrap the meaning behind each moment in able to attain satori. Ross (1960) posited that the â€Å"awakening of Zen is satori, and the satori of Zen is recognizing the real noumenon of a person, his original feature, not necessarily recognizing the real substance of various acts† (p.45). The Zen Buddhist experience commonly recognizes enlightenment as a transitory thing in life, which is similar to the English term epiphany, and satori is the realization of a state of such epiphany as enlightenment. Since all things are regarded as transitory according to Zen philosophy, the transitory nature of satori is not limiting. On the contrary, such epiphany has a tremendous effect on Western philosophical u nderstanding of enlightenment. The transitory nature of satori owes much to the influences of Taoism on Chan Buddhism in China, from which the Japanese Zen came from. Taoism is a mystical philosophy that emphasizes the purity and importance of the moment. This emphasis on the importance of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research for the Environment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research for the Environment - Coursework Example Availability of these organisms out of disturbed areas is sources for the ecosystem’s decolonization. Animal behavior and migration helps in managing the ecosystem since the traits of the animals are distinct. Many wildlife species are threatened with extinction, with species disappearing faster than before. The biggest threat is habitat destruction and human greed. Wildlife maintains ecological nature balance and cycles. It has economic value as wild plants provide timber and paper (Carson, 2012). Wild animals produce ivory. A country’s wildlife is its cultural asset and tourist attraction. Pesticides kill bacteria, fungi and insects that destroy crops, are disease vectors, destroy property and cause disturbances. The greatest risk comes from the chemical pesticides. Pesticides may enter the body through skin, eyes or mouth. Farming companies make these pesticides no matter how inept they hurt the environment and the people around (Brian, 2012). Thus, it is advisable to use healthful methods to control pests such as use of organic

Homework 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homework 4 - Essay Example entified that; organization is a place where in different departments work together in order to contribute in the long run productivity of the company as a whole (Beasley, M et al. 2009). Marketing department is one of the most important departments from the standpoint of an organization because it usually deals with the inflow and outflow of funds of a company. There are certain things that come under the ambit of marketing management. The main perspective of this assignment is to analyze the thing accordingly and by applying regression tools on the same. The company which has been chosen for the same is Ashland Multicomm Services, which is a internet service provider with telephone cables and internet cables. Forecasting is one of the most important things from the standpoint of a company and from the standpoint of a thing is well. Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future date. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Both might refer to formal statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or alternatively to less formal judgmental methods. The forecasting process which has been judge by the company is not at all perfect and it is under severe criticism because the company has not judge and measures the consequences of the project on the company’s productivity. There are number of things which can be taken into consideration, other than that the telemarketing hours spending, which predominantly are the effects of the same on the net profit and revenue recognition of the company as a whole. The company has to consider the effects of the same in total, merely to analyze the same. A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Of a wire varies with length Essay Example for Free

Of a wire varies with length Essay The resistance and length of a wire are directly proportional. The longer the wire the greater the resistance. If you double the length of the wire then you double the resistance across it. This is because s the wire becomes longer, the electrical slope (potential difference) across a given length becomes less steep. As the potential difference becomes smaller, so does the current, as the changes have less of a potential gradient to push them along in the wire. A smaller current flows, therefore the resistance must be higher. (www.cyberphysics. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk/topics/physics/electric/resistance/LENGTH/Physics. htm) This is all beacause of what happens inside of the wire, the atoms in the wire and how the negativly charged electrons are colliding with the atoms and are then being caused to vibrate and therefore slow down. this then takes longer for the electrons to go through the circuit therfore causing resistance and making the rate of resistance higher as the lenght of the wire is increased. This happens because of the electrons that flow through the wire. These electrons travel at a steady pace, when they come to a different piece of wire, they have to slow down in order to be able to pass. (This is why the current differs). While moving through the wire, the electrons need to squeeze together. This is because there is not enough room/space for them to pass evenly through. The more the electrons have to bump together then the higher the resistance. This is because it will take longer for them to pass from one side of the wire to the other side. This is because the current is slowed down. (The longer the wire, the longer the electrons have to stay squashed together, and so the longer they take to pass through the wire and the higher the resistance. http://www. sci-journal. org/reports/vol3no1/v3n1k44. html Evaluation: Despite the problems that occured during this experiment I think that overall it was quite succesfull. There were some factors that could not of not prevented in the classroom, like that of the temperature but that had to be overlooked. My teacher said The temperature may affect the resistance in your circuit and may threrfore affect you results slightly. Inside the wire the temperature increases as the resistance does because the current begins to use alot more energy to get around the circuit and go against the resistance. This uses more electrical energy and then from that creates more heat energy. I dont think that my graph of results was directly proportional, this could of been due to the flucuations that occured during some of our readings from the inaccuracy of the voltmeter and ammeter or just some of the leads or the wire not being secure enough. Although none of our results relly stande out as being wrong or not in line with the pattern of the rest of the results. If I could redesign or of improved this experiment I would pay more attention to the fact that temperature is another factor which affects resistance within the circuit. I would try to counteract that by maybe leaving the wire to cool down between each reading, but making sure it for the same amount of time each time so to keep it a fair test. I would also use more accurate equipment such as a power pack to keep the voltage the same throughout to make the readings more reliable. I would also use a piece of wire that has the same cross-section throughout as that also affects the rate of resistance. I would then use a more accurate device to measure the wire and a more stable way to keep it all in place, as sometimes the crocodile clips kept comming out of place or someone might of accidently of knocked them without realising. I would also use a more accurate ammeter and voltmeter as some of my results flactuated from time to time so I would use ones which go further than to just two decimal places. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

MAXXI National Museum Architecture

MAXXI National Museum Architecture MAXXI MUSEUM ­Ã‚ ­   Ã‚   Contemporary Architecture This report will focus on MAXXI National Museum and it will provide a comprehensive review of Contemporary museum architecture (built in Rome in 2009), designed by the Zaha Hadid Architects. As it was said in â€Å"Museums in the 21st Century†, there is no doubt to say that museum architecture seeks it’s development through the periods, divided into pre- and post-Bilbao eras. Bilbaos buildings are a variety of architectural styles, ranging from gothic to contemporary architecture like Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (build in Spain in 1997) which gives the begging of contemporary Bilbao movement. Rome has no obligation to turn itself into a trendy modern city; its glory rests on the achievements of antiquity, the Renaissance, and the Baroque. In mid1990’s a new policy in Rome for ’the promotion of contemporary architecture’ has tried to change the architectural understatement by its city governments, policy with different aspects, views and cultural activi ties, with willingness for novelty. The foundation of the Maxi Museum was followed by international design competition combining all the new prospects. Hadid’s proposal is an impressive urban sculpture with dynamic and indefinite exhibition space. To construct this essay, and prove that MAXXI museum is an example of Modernism various sources have been researched. Therefore, its consistency includes Architectural concept and urban strategy, space vs object, Institutional Catalyst and Contemporary Spatiality. The essay was conducted in the form of a survey, with data being gathered via books â€Å"Lubetkin Tecton: An architectural study† by Yoshio Malcolm Reading Peter Coe (1992) , â€Å"Frank O. Gehry: The complete works† by Francesco Dal Co Kurt W. Foster (1998) ,and the following articles â€Å"MAXXI Museum in Rome by Zaha Hadid Architects wins the RIBA Starling Prize 2010† by Levent Ozler, â€Å" Zaha Hadids MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Art s† by Zaha Hadid Architects,† Starling Prize 2010 Goes to Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI Museum in Rome† (unknown author). The early architectural modernism was indeed sudden break with tradition. Raise the banner of artistic simplification and geometrization, advanced substantiate this aesthetic slogan, ethical and political. The technique had become progressive character, and the machine a metaphor.In the history of the foundation of modernism role has Berthold Lubetkin along with Le Coubusier second- generation well-known modernist. In 1932, Lubetkin formed the Tecton partnership including Gofrey Samuel,Sir Herbert ,Michael Dugdale ,Valentine Harding and Anthony Chitty . Main years of work for Tecton partnership were the period from 1932 till the outburst of the Second world war, and their work can be categorized in four departments: Apartments in north London, the work for Finsbury Borough Council, The zoo work and house projects. One of the picturesque projects commissioned to build after earned reputation from the designed Regen’s park (built in London, 1978) and Whipsnade zoo (built in Whi psnade in 1931) was Dudley Zoo. Its location is outside Birmingham, in town called Dudley opened in May 1937.The geometric character of building consisted twelve animal enclosures which despite the different functions of the buildings they formed relationship based on close connection between them which was an early modernist example in England. In another hand on the official page of MAXXI museum Zaha Hadid commented that â€Å"the museum should not be seen as an object, but as a field of buildings†. Another way to support the touch of modernism is connected with the concrete walls in Kiosks, smallest buildings in the zoo. Concrete is material typical for this period, and the same construction techniques are used in Maxxi museum. In that way is proven that Maxxi museum was part of the Modern movement (modernism). Another modernist for this period is half American half Canadian architect Frank Gehry. Among the well-known work of him is (built in Spain in 1997). The projected was funded and owned by Basque Country Administration, presenting good access for trade business. The internal organizations of the spaces are distributed in three floors. The central court of the building serves as unit point, with open view to the city. Different art galleries fill the spaces with purpose to expose temporary exhibitions, permanent exhibitions and art from living artist.The material for the exterior curved walls of the building is limestone and for interior is used plaster. Natural light is captured via skylights with the help of shades control during the day. And as Frank Gehry says for the unconsciously made curved walls the randomness of the curves are designed to catch the light. With this citation it is suggested that engineers along with the architect used scientific knowledge, one of the typical c haracteristics for modernism. In Maxxi museum the fluid and sinuous shapes, the variety and interweaving of spaces and the modulated use of natural light is leading to functional framework. By measuring all these important aspect in order to have this result and let the light to come into the building they highlight the function. Therefore MAXXI museum it was also used scientific knowledge. Once it was said by Frank Lloyd Wrights that the perception â€Å"form follows function† implies the believes that it is design serve to its function. According to the main design idea of Maxi museum it is conected to the use of the building exhibition space for visual arts. Maxi museum walls crossing area and their interfaces define the interior halls of the museum and exterior.Because of the geometric abstraction in Maxxi museum â€Å"Form follows function†, we reach another characteristic of modernism. Modernism introduces the concept of truth to materials which states that the building materials should be exposed rather than hidden and situated in the appropriate place. An example of this is statement is Maxxi museum. With its limited range of materials, such as the walls of exposed concrete or gray flooring using its shortcomings, it is constructed a sequence. On second floor and third, the touch of daylight can be sense over the glass roof supported by steel struts. They possess a mechanism that helps for the exhibition of paintings and sculptures which are not mounted to the floor. In that why Maxxi museum is modernist building. Another architect of the modernism movement was Oscar Niemeyer. After his individual development in architecture and a series of projects in the city Belo Horizonte, he began to feel passion for oval shapes which links with his homeland, rivers and even woman’s body shape and concrete as a material for construction. The same materials are used in Maxxi museum, another good reason to support the evidence of Contemporary architecture. Exposed concrete and glass we can see in Peter Behrens building called AEG. Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter, who worked mainly in Germany and France. Kandinsky is expressionist and proclaimed himself for creator of the first abstract painting, despite concerns that it dates back to deliberate with an earlier date. His first works were abstract watercolor. His work in life passes through three stages: impression of external nature, improvisation and works compositions. Wassily works and lived initially in Munich and later in Russia, but because the conditions of Russian Communism the censorship of totalitarian regime was forced to emigrate. First assume teaching at the Bauhaus in Germany, after the closure of the school by the Nazis escaped to Paris. In 1933 by the National Kandinsky taught in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin, where he met with Russian constructivism. At that time, the geometry acquired superiority in his art. Forms which are reminding of microorganisms, but always depicting inner life of the Wassily. He used an unordinary color compositio ns imitating Slavic folklore. And mix sand with dyes to impart roughness colors. Accordingly to it mentions that Maxxi museum has different varieties of colors, such as: grey, black, white and wide range of cream mixtures of the exposed concrete. Our attention is grabbed, from the red abstract elements from the ceiling ,positioned in order to show the contemporary character of the building through color .Respectively of Wissily Kandinsky color theory based on abstract elements and forms ,we have proven our claim. Modernism is period with highly advanced technological development .It categorizes the exposure of the structure, that’s why it could be called the period of Structural Expressionism. Hi-tech architecture creates new visual ideas, and the admiration for economical building constructions led to poor manufacturing quality. During the eighties it was difficult to differentiate this technological improvement from post–modern architecture. This is exemplified in the work undertaken by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, Centre Pompidou. As it was mention in archdaily one of the main design concept ideas was the typically structural uncovering for modernism. The building was dived with the help of color coding .Using this system it could be easily recognized the different components or area of the building. For example electrical mechanism was colored in orange and yellow, structures and stairs were painted in grey .In maxi museum we have exposure of staircase too, which led agai n to the thought that Maxi museum is modernist building. Le Corbusier is a French architect and it was born in Switzerland. He formulated his five principles of modern architecture, in which he remains faithful to the end of his life. The first principle is connected with columns it separates the house from the ground through several supporting columns. The second principle is garden he also uses gardens on the roof of buildings. The third principle is a small number of load-bearing walls. The fourth principle is widely glazing and the last fifth principle is free facade exterior walls free from their load-bearing function. And based on those five point principles he adjusted one of his projects: Villa Savoye which has big influence over the modernism. With open plan and sequence of ramps, he dares the residents to go through the spaces constantly. In Maxxi museum the visitor are invited to enter into a series of continuous spaces, rather than the compact volume of an isolated building. So in both cases we have a unified space. Conclusion: To sum up, the main goal of the essay was to determine and explain why Maxxi museum is contemporary building. Based on several perceptions typical for modernism, it was proven accordingly to the concept â€Å"Form follows function, Truth to materials, unhidden structures and scientific knowledge. Maxi is a museum with numerous volumes and extension of lines, without center point, representing the circulation of images and ideas. Building is seen as a second skin of the city, responding to the environment, the building is seen as artistic s stretching drawing over the marvelous landscape.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The effect of the Philippine Revolution

The effect of the Philippine Revolution This investigation assesses the extent of the Philippine Revolution had on the Philippine culture. In order to analyze the effects of the revolution on the political structure of the Philippines, the investigation will involve what the how it was several years before the Philippine Revolution, also known as the People Power Revolution. The political structure after the Philippine Revolution will also be researched. This research will be done to evaluate the changes in the overall political structure. The two primary sources for this investigation include Monina Mercados A People Power: The Philippine Revolution of 1986: An Eyewitness History along with Florentino Rodaos book, The Philippine Revolution of 1986: Ordinary Lives In Extraordinary Times. The two sources that will be used will be analyzed according to its origin, purpose, limitations and value. Summary of Evidence The online article What Was People Power? states that the revolution was a non-violent movement of united Filipino citizens. They were lead by Corazon Cory Aquino, the wife of Benigno Aquino, a leading opponent of the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos, an advocate for the opposition of their Nationalist Party. This movement was a success because it led to the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos. After the overthrow, Corazon Aquino won presidency. Ferdinand Marcos was a corrupt leader. He was president of the Philippines for twenty years (for two terms), from 1965 to 1986.  [1]  After World War II, Ferdinand Marcos emerged from World War II with the reputation of being the greatest Filipino resistance leader of the war and the most decorated soldier in the U.S. Armed forces.  [2]  Before being president of the Philippines, Marcos had been the leader of the Ang Maharlika. The Ang Maharlika was a secret resistance that Ferdinand Marcos had created. It was said that this secret resistance was made up of spies and revolutionaries (assassins), in actually, the resistance consisted of counterfeiters, thieves, and gunmen. The Ang Maharlika was a guerilla force in northern Luzon. As president Marcos excelled in achieving infrastructure development along with international diplomacy; however despite these great achievements he, along with his administration, was extremely authoritarian, corrupt; they were also politically repre ssive, and they also violated human rights. In 1983, Benigno Aquino Jr., a senator and governor of Tarlac who opposed Marcos, was assassinated due to a gunshot to his head. President Marcos, along with the rest of his government, was involved in the assassination. This assassination became the catalyst of the People Power Revolution. From 1972 up through 1981, Marcos government passed a martial law that repressed the peoples freedom. He claimed that it was to create New Society based on new social and political value. Despite the laws success in reducing crime, it frightened any political opponents causing them to go into exile. The same goes for the rest of the people. They could not have a say in anything. Things were about to change for the better once Ferdinand Marcos was exiled. After the revolution, Corazon Aquinos presidency was the start of democracy for the Filipinos. The new government, the Constitutional Commission gave them a new constitution. It was ratified on February 2, 1987. The Constitution then went into effect on the eleventh of that month. It diminished presidential powers from declaring martial law. The Constitution also restored the bicameral congress. Evaluation of Sources The source Mercados A People Power: The Philippine Revolution of 1986: An Eyewitness History was written by Monina Mercado. It tells the story of the revolution that exiled Ferdinand Marcos from power through a collection of various stories by many different people told in their own words. It was published in 1987 making it somewhat of a credible source. This is said because it was written after, if not during, the revolution. This means that it contained real, current information. On the other hand, being published so soon after the revolution had occurred means that it will not have all the necessary information. If it was to describe the effects of the Peoples Power Revolution, it would only mention the effects that occurred only between that one-year time period. It would not encompass the effects over ten or twenty years. It appears that the purpose of the source is to inform readers about the Philippine Revolution of 1986 and her point of view on the situation. A People Power: The Philippine Revolution of 1986: An Eyewitness History is limited because it is biased. The author is clearly a supporter of Corazon Aquino. She does not write about what the people on the other side of the revolution thought. The sources value is questionable. It does its purpose and informs readers of the revolution and it does sheds light on the events which toppled the Marcos dictatorship. The second source is The Philippine Revolution of 1986: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times was published in 2001, making it a valuable source. This book is the most recent resource out of both of the sources. It was written by Florentino Rodao. The author of this book goes into detail about gender and ethnicity during the Revolution; corruption in the second-half of the nineteenth century; the circuitions intra-Asian trade; the influx of refugees to Cavite, which affected the rivalry between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo; the travails of the Franciscan friars; and the hopes and fears of a Spanish soldier as seen through his letters. The purpose of this book was to describe the time in which they were ruled by the Spanish and when they were freed. With this being said, this was not a very valuable book for this investigation. It does not completely talk about the issue at hand, the People Power Revolution; thus limiting this book much more. It does not go into depth about the revolution, rather the time before it. In a sense, this book is valuable because it gives background information on how the people were before the revolution, therefore allowing for a comparison to be made between the time periods. D. Analysis Every single kind of revolution brings about change. The Philippine Revolution, in this case brought about a positive change. After 1986, there were many more social and governmental changes. The Philippine Revolution brought about great social changes. The people were not to be socially repressed any more. People could speak their mind without getting reprimanded. The revolution, along with all other revolutions, was a time of military and political struggle for power. This thoroughly affected the people. Even before the Peoples Power Revolution Filipinos had been military and socially repressed because of the Spanish. After gaining their freedom, they had little time to be their own; to be free, even if it was just for a little while. They were not technically used to having such freedom, so when Marcos became president there was not much resistance. With all the changes being made throughout the Philippines, it is not shocking that, socially, the country changed. This comes to sho w, why there was not resistance to Ferdinand Marcos in the beginning. While the Philippine revolution overthrew such a powerful, despotic leader, it left much of the old centralized power structure unchanged. The U.S. still retained major influence through military aid and bases. The Philippine military remained intact under Defense Minister Enrile, the same man who had gotten rich from political connections while serving as Defense Minister under Marcos. The new President, Corazon Aquino, was from a wealthy family. The poor were still poor, and the rich were still in charge. The Philippine revolution demonstrates what the power people can have when they unite and withdraw consent. The same dynamics apply, no matter what the issue. If Filipinos had decided to go on and struggle and fight for a more just division of wealth, the abolition of the military, and/ or a decentralized government that was more responsive to their needs, who knows what more amazing things they might have achieved. E. Conclusion To conclude, there were social and governmental changes as a result of the Philippine Revolution. After Marcos was exiled, there was much more social freedom. Political leaders could actually speak their mind and exiled. The people were given the right to voice their opinions and not be punished. What changed drastically was the government. The Philippines came from being an authoritarian state to a bicameral democratic country. The People Power Revolution of 1986 signified the unity of the civilians and how they came to the aid of the military, which had long been an instrument of repression and terror. F. Sources BookRags Staff. 2005. Ferdinand Marcos. [Available Online] [cited September 12, 2010] Available from Dizon, Regina G. Mount Holyoke College. (27 January 2010) People Power in the Philippines. In Defense of Marxism. (30 January 2010) Kabayan Central. Mercado, Monina A. People Power: The Philippine Revolution of 1986: An Eyewitness History. Manila: James B. Reuter, S.J. Foundation. Morrow, Paul. Maharlika and the ancient class system. a-culture/in-other-words/251-maharlika-and-the-ancient-class-system.html (accessed 2010). Spain Philippine Revolution. (2 February 2010) Rodao, Florentino, and Felice N. Rodiguez. The Philippine Revolution of 1986: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Richard Wrights Black Boy: The Meaning of American Hunger :: Wright Black Boy Essays

Black Boy: The Meaning of American Hunger When a person thinks about hunger, food comes to mind. We never think of hunger as anything else. In Richard Wright's book titled "Black Boy (American Hunger)", a young boy faces many different types of hunger. He refers to the phrase "American Hunger" throughout his book. I feel that the "American Hunger" which he is referring to is the hunger to be considered an American and be treated as an equal. Throughout his life he was treated as if he were from another planet. He was always considered to be different, an outcast and a loser. He felt the need to be a part of the so-called American Culture. He wanted to be able to do what the white children did. He wanted to be able to go to school, to learn, to read, have friends, have a job; but because he was an African American he could not. This is what I will be discussing in this paper his intellectual hunger. Richard was so eager to learn that he kept constantly asking questions, and if his questions were left unanswered he would let his imagination take over.. He would try to find work in which he would be able to read some of the books. His family and relatives refused to let him learn. There is one incident in which his schoolteacher read to him. His grandmother got angry and said that reading was devils work. Through out his childhood he heard many terms and phrases. He never understood what they meant but once they were said he knew if they were good or bad. For example, when Richard was taking a bath and his grandmother came in to scrub his backside, Richard replied with, "When you get through, kiss back there." This is just one of the many phrases he said in which he did not know the meaning. Through his eagerness to learn he began to understand himself, other blacks, and whites better. He continues to learn and to play dumb for his own survival. His self education began when a co- worker lent Richard his library card to read Mencken's essays. He feels that his dreams and his stories in which he reads are an escape for him. He wants to fit in with others and be able to be apart of America.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Accountability: The Key in the Healthcare Environment Essay examples -

Accountability is key in the healthcare environment in that members of a healthcare organization must be responsible for their actions and held accountable by the organization or the consumer. Many significant changes have occurred in healthcare and one of the most noted was the beginning of professional integration between businesses, hospitals and physicians. Solid partnerships have emerged and over time individuals within these successful healthcare organizations have developed mutual understanding and respect for the others profession (Fraschetti & Sugarman, 2009). Leaders and managers in healthcare have used this knowledge to build high-performance teams through various competencies particularly with the skills found in interpersonal competency. Through positive communication, training, mentorship, collaboration and staff empowerment transitional managers and leaders exhibit interpersonal competency skills, which are very effective in the healthcare environment (Guo & Anders on, 2005). Through management’s team building efforts we see high-performance healthcare teams emerge with trust, shared goals and a strong organizational culture that understand the mission and the goals they need to accomplish. Individuals, teams, managers and leaders in a successful organization know and understand their responsibilities and the standard that is expected. Scott (2001) outlines a three-part accountability process that defines what is expected, assists individuals in understanding expectations, and establishes standards and guarantees that are consistent and allow for accountability. Measures and Implementation in the Accountability Process In the United States Navy we are taught the Navy definition of accountability and then ... ...rive. Pivot Health website. Retrieved February 21, 2011, from Guo, K. L. & Anderson, D. (2005). The new health care paradigm: Roles and competencies of leaders in the service line management approach. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 18(6/7), XII,XIII,XIV,XV,XVI,XVII,XVIII,XIX,XX. Retrieved January 11, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 948775781). Miller, N. (2000). Seeking accountability. Nursing Economics, 18(2), 92. Retrieved March 6, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 52765815). Scott, G. (2001). Accountability for service excellence. Journal of Healthcare Management, 46(3), 152-5. Retrieved March 6, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 73034086).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Death penalty Essay

Introduction Over several years, the death penalty has existed among various countries, and used to eliminate killers who are considered extremely dangerous in the society. According to various sources, the fear associated with the death penalty discourages individuals with the propensity of conducting such inhumane crimes. Application of the death penalty, however, comes with mixed reactions from the society since some people support it while others are against it due to various reasons. Therefore, this essay seeks to justify the rightfulness of the death penalty since it is associated with a significant level of reduction in malicious murders. Arguments against Death Penalty In a number of cases, the death penalty has resulted in various disputes; for example, where innocent individuals have been convicted despite the fact that they were not involved in such crimes. Unfortunately, some of these victims were executed, or put on the death row just before the truth was established, and their innocence proven (Harris, 2012). From 1973, 11 Texans and 128 others across the United States have been set free and cleared from the death penalty as a result of proof of their wrongful conviction (All Voices, 2012). Generally, the death penalty is considered as the harshest sentence for any known felony. More so, it is the only punishment that will remain irreversible after the sentence has been made. When an inmate is found not guilty of committing the crime that led to his imprisonment, they can always be set free and have their names cleared. However, where the convict had already been put to death, the punishment can never be reversed: In no circumstance will saying – sorry, we had the wrong person – help the family of the victim, but will only increase their pain. Several people are usually against the idea of the death penalty due to the possibility of executing innocent people. Such people would never want to imagine the risk of executing innocent people; in fact – for nearly ten years now – innocence has resulted in the creation of a strong argument in death penalty dialogue. In this fight, abolitionists have played an important role especially where they have successfully pointed out the innocence in some convicts with the aid of post conviction DNA tests (Aronson & Simon, 2009). Arguments in Favor of Death Penalty On the other hand, the death penalty is considered as an eye for an eye and that all convicted killers should be executed in order to attain evenness. The most horrible felony warrants no less than the most horrible sentence, which should mean an eye for an eye. As such, the victim’s family should feel that the offender was given the most intense judgment other than just being locked up in a prison and keep enjoying their life. In many unfortunate cases, the murderers have been given a life sentence without a possibility of parole, and they have managed to live for longer periods than their actual victims actually lived on earth. To make the situation worse, such inmates live a comfortable life in prison, getting three meals per day and an afternoon to practice, while the victim’s family lives a life of anguish. Denis Rader (BTK), born and raised in Wichita, Kansas, was an excellent example of a very notorious serial killer that used to bind, torture and kill his victims without any mercy (Harris, 2012). In one of his dreadful attacks, he killed an 11-year old girl called Josephine Otero by hanging her from a drain pipe (Harris, 2012). Unfortunately, the murderer was given a 175 years sentence despite the fact that he killed an entire family, as well as other innocent people (Harris, 2012). Actually, it is not justified for a murderer to live while innocent people suffer death: Rader did not have the right to torture and kill his victims, so it is not justified that he was granted a right to his life. In several cases, some of the most dangerous killers have only spent their life in prison. As such, is there anything, or a particular sentence that could assist in reducing the intensity of murders within the society? Several studies have indicated that the fear of death discourages people from committing various targeted crimes. Capital punishment would serve as an excellent solution since it would assist in lowering murder crimes; hence, it would serve as a perfect crime preventive solution. As such, most criminals would think twice before killing their victims since they would realize the fact that their lives were at stake for any murder act. I would say that the use of the death penalty could certainly lower the incidences of violent murders since this would play a crucial part in the elimination of cruel repeat offenders. In connection, statistics show that there are approximately 20,000 murders every single year within the United States, which drastically increased from 10,000 deaths per year after the death penalty was dropped in some states (Boys, 2012). The elimination of the death penalty, 1965; therefore, led to increase in the number of murders by about 10,000 people per year (Boys, 2012). With these statistics, it is evident that murderers commit more murders due to the knowledge that the worst they could get for murder is life imprisonment. This means that bringing back the death penalty would help in the reduction of brutal murders by repeat offenders. However, the death penalty should be implemented where the evidence for murder can be proved beyond any reasonable doubt so as to avoid executing innocent victims. Conclusion It is evident that the arguments in favor of implementing the death penalty far much outweigh those against its implementation. I would then mention the fact that the death penalty will assist in lowering cases of malicious murders within the society, as well as serve as the best sentence when compared the affliction of the victim’s family. Hence, I conclude this essay by supporting the fact that implementation of the death penalty is justified because it assists in the reduction of malicious murders; at the same time, remains the best punishment for convicted murderers.

Rizal Life Reaction

One of the strengths of Jose Rizal is the incorporation of the characters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo in the life of Rizal and of the Filipinos in general. This only shows that the two books are reflections of the lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish regime. But the thought and noble ideas of the book do not only live in the past but also in the present manifesting the universality and immortality of Rizal's ideas. The beautiful transition of Rizal's time and the setting of the two novels is really impressive. One must have really read the books to better appreciate the movie Jose Rizal. While watching the film, I cannot help but relate Rizal to Crisostomo/Simoun, Leonor to Maria Clara. Rizal and Crisostomo both came from a well-off family. Both of them studied in Europe. Both have dedicated their life to free their people from oppression. And then there's a scene where Leonor was walking down the aisle and Maria Clara singing in the nunnery. Both were locked up-the former to a person whom she does not love; the latter to a place, which seems to be a dead end. Maria Clara jumping off from the bell tower is her way to get out, her way towards salvation. The film also works through a series of flashback showing Rizal as a genius, a writer, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a brother and a son, thus giving a rich texture of Rizal's character. I also commend the film for its bravery in showing the evil tyranny of the Catholic Church during that time. Considering that the Philippines is a Catholic nation, that is like butchering a sacred cow but alas, Abaya works her magic in depicting the suffering of the Filipinos because of the friars. I particularly love the last scene of the film when Rizal, excellently played by Cesar Montano by the way, fell in the ground facing the sky, having his last breath looking at a beautiful sunrise- a metaphor depicting that Rizal did not die in vain. He did not die defeated because his death is the torch that lights Philippine independence, that ignites Philippine Revolution. This is more apparent in the scene where Simoun (a character in El Filibusterismo) appeared to Rizal telling him to rewrite the story. Rizal wrote and an imaginary explosion happened. A burst of light and flame overwhelmed the screen. In a way that has been the legacy of Rizal-bringing light to the Filipinos. He died victorious because in the end his memory and legacy remain forever.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Review of Amelie

ReThe fabulous destiny of Amelie Poulain is a French film written and directed by Jean Pierre Jeunette and set in Montmartre. It is a whimsical description of contemporary Parisian life. This romantic comedy met with critical acclaim and was a box-office success. Amelie, aged 23, finds behind a loosen tile of her bathroom an old metal box of childhood memorabilia hidden by a boy who lived in her apartment decades earlier.Fascinated by this find, she resolves to track down the now adult man who placed it there and return it to him, making a promise to herself in the process: if she finds him and it makes him happy, she will devote her life to bringing happiness to others. What she could not imagine is that while doing this she would meet a really special person, Nino, played Mathew Kassovitz. What makes this film totally different from the rest of romantic comedies, apart from Amelie’s eccentric attitude to life, is that it is set in an ideal Montmartre where certain colors pre dominate depending on how Amelie feels and.That creates a really special environment, making the spectator get deeply involved in the story. This fast-moving film has so many details that I would dare to say that it is almost impossible to get them all but this way, watched carefully, there’s always something new to find out about it. Not only is this an absolutely gripping film but also so moving that all lovers of romantic stories won’t help being touched by the charming Amelie Poulain.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

“I do, I will, I have” Essay

Ogden Nash's poem, â€Å"I do, I will, I have† is about the formal union of a man and a women. It's usually recognized by the law in which they become husband and wife. In other words, it's a poem about a marriage. He's describing the way a marriage works. I think many people could agree or disagree with his views, however, he outlines the basics to a marriage.Without describing his poem line from line, the overall purpose of this poem is to point out that marriages are always different. Typically a marriage won't work out when the two people are exactly the same. When he wrote â€Å"just as I am unsure of the differnce between flora and fauna and flotsam and jetsam,† he's comparing two different words that have the same meaning. This can relate to marriage in which the meaning of a marriage will always be the same but always with two different lives. That phrase is considered to be an idiom. It's a metaphorical statement with a figurative meaning that's separate from i ts literal meaning.In line 13, the word â€Å"Quick† is capitalized. When I first read this, I thought she was telling him to quickly get up. Then I realized it was capitalized and the word actual could be used to describe what she's saying or as his name. The title of the poem â€Å"I do, I will, I Have† I think it's significant as well. It's showing that most marriages end in divorce. It would either be his experience or the experience of many others. Another observation I made is from lines 11 through 14.He's not only showing they have two different views but the differences in being optimistic and pessimistic. The guy is seen as being optimistic. He's very laid back, hopeful and confident about things. Shes very pessimistic and things the worst and always seems to be worrying. I think with this statement he's showing the stereotype between a man and a women. Most men and women are seen in the same way that he portrayed them.Now days marriages aren't as common as th ey used to be. Less people are getting married today rather than in the past. I think this stereotype has to do with both peoples views and experiences but also the fear of a heartbreak. When he wrote â€Å"that is why marriage is more interesting than divorce,† he's saying that there's more to a marriage than most people see. His poem views marriage in a good way in the beginning but then it leads to divorce. Now days I think it's always seen in both ways from the beginning and that's why there are less marriages.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Unemployment Inflation And Gdp In The Us Economics Essay

Three cardinal elements qualify the growing of an economic system. They include rate of unemployment, rising prices and assorted figures that define the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . A reappraisal of these issues is indispensable in order to give the reader some good apprehension of economic growing. Harmonizing to the Bureau of Statistics, unemployment rate in the United States seems to lifting somewhat than expected. The agency maintains that 8.8 % of grownup work forces and 7.9 % of their female opposite numbers autumn under the unemployed class. In add-on, the rate of rising prices as indicated by latest study from the agency seems to on the rise. This has resulted in the overall addition of consumer monetary value index by up to 1.6 % before any signifier of seasonal accommodation. Finally figures from the Bureau of economic analysis indicate that the GDP for the 4th one-fourth of 2010 rose by 3.2 % . This is largely attributed to high demand of labour and additions in belong ings monetary values. This information is indispensable for family, investors and policy shapers towards the growing and development of the economic system.FamiliesInflation is the most pertinent issue that affects many families in the United States. Phil ‘s Stock World ( 2011 ) on his remark in the double authorization morass asserts that, harmonizing to informations from assorted transcripts, the Federal Reserve is still unconcerned about rising prices, in malice of important grounds to the contrary. In fact, the Fed is so unconcerned about rising prices that, it needed to advert â€Å" rising prices † 49 times in its study. Phil et Al ( 2011 ) goes on to add that, due to the merely passed planetary economical crisis, families should non anticipate a speedy reprieve. In fact the Fed expects the idle rate to stay â€Å" elevated † at the terminal of 2012 ; even though it claimed a lifting existent GDP might easy cut down unemployment. A study conducted on 60000 families indicates that rising prices does non offer any signifier of alteration aimed at change by reversaling the downward tendency in unemployment degrees. Morgan Stanley is of the position that although employment was reported to hold fallen by 622000, this information is still nonmeaningful. No uncertainty, monetary values of natural stuffs have risen. There are some basic grounds for this upward tendency. The planetary growing phenomenon is partially to fault. Increased demand from China, India, and Africa among others will set upward force per unit area on trade good monetary values. It is overriding to observe that trade good monetary values are besides a map of involvement rates. Low involvement rates cause a comparative addition in the value of low ended merchandises ( due to take down discounting ) , making less incentive for extraction, and cut downing the cost of keeping stock lists ( Phil et al 2011 ) .InvestorsInflation influences investor â €˜s determinations in more luxuriant ways as compared to families. With an addition in inflationary force per unit area, involvement rates will be high and hence decrease in investing. Phil et Al ( 2011 ) notes that, sing the relentless travel up in stocks, â€Å" Our market marks, breakout two degrees, and major jailbreak degrees are supplying more bullish fuel to our market thesis. † He further points out that, the U.S. bond markets were responding to inflationary concerns, ensuing in Treasury- bond outputs lifting and bond monetary values falling. Phil et al farther argues that, â€Å" It all comes back to rising prices. The Fed merely does n't believe it exists or, if it does, believes it wo n't last. It ca n't reallyA lose. The Fed can merely be incorrect this meeting and so make nil and delay until following meeting and so ‘reevaluate. ‘ Morgan et al 2011, in contrast argues that harmonizing to the FOMC proceedingss, â€Å" many participants expect that , with important slack in resource markets and longer-term rising prices outlooks stable, steps of nucleus rising prices would stay near to current degrees in coming quarters † . This means that rising prices is likely to impact investors ‘ determinations particularly in relation to short term investings.Policy MakersThe policy shapers play a major function in the running of the economic system. Morgan et Al reiterates that with the strong economic recoil, policy-makers are now following a somewhat anti-cyclical stance. The primary balance ( runing gross less entire outgo ) is expected to travel from a shortage of 0.3 % of GDP in F2010 to a excess of 0.3 % in F2011. Meanwhile, the overall budget balance ( which takes into history particular transportations, top-ups and net investing returns part ) is expected to travel from a shortage of 0.1 % of GDP in F2010 to a excess of 0.03 % in 2011. Specifically, the swing from a little shortage place to a more or less balanced bu dget is chiefly due to the addition in particular transportations being offset by cutbacks in development outgo. In add-on to that in order to hike g.d.p the Fed has a figure of tools ( such as contrary rest and clip sedimentations for depositary establishments ) to take militias from the banking system when appropriate. However, a crisp tightening in pecuniary policy is improbable. The Fed will finally hold to take the pes off the gas pedal ( non needfully â€Å" hitting the brakes † ) as a â€Å" standardization † of pecuniary policy. Removing the conditional committedness to maintain short-run involvement rates near nothing for â€Å" an drawn-out period † will depend on a alteration in the Fed ‘s declared conditions: low rates of resource use ( equivalently, an elevated unemployment rate ) ; a low implicit in tendency in rising prices ; and well-anchored rising prices outlooks ( Morgan et al 2011 ) .

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Remote Sensing Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Remote Sensing Report - Essay Example The NDVI varies from -1.0 to 1.0 for every pixel in a representation and is vital in discovering regions of ranging levels of plant biomass/dynamism. This means that higher values symbolize high biomass/dynamism. The vegetation indices normally depend on the actuality that green vegetation indicates an authentic combination of low reflectance at perceptible red wavelengths and elevated reflectance at near infrared wavelengths. In similar manner, a ratio of close to infrared (NIR) by red  ® light will issue out an approximation (RVI) of the amount of green vegetation present in every pixel. These therefore may be computed as follows: RVI=NIR/R This ratio is well known as the â€Å"Ratio Vegetation Index† thus the notion RVI. The ultimate aim of this report is to examine how the ratio vegetation index is computed using Lake Nakuru in Kenya as example. It also looks at the unsupervised and supervised classification and examines their advantages and disadvantages. Part 1: Vegeta tion Indices Methodology The methodology used in this research is a fieldwork quantitative analysis carried out on the vegetation structure of Lake Nakuru. The ratio vegetation index is calculated where all the steps involved are indicated. Quantitative analysis is one of the best fieldwork methodologies that provide accurate results that are reliable in conclusions and decision-making processes. Analytical Steps The steps for calculating the ration vegetation index are as follows The first step is calculating a ration vegetation index from Landsat TM Data This means that the computed ratio vegetation index (RVI) for the Nakuru Thematic Mapper (TM) representation. For Landsat Thematic Mapper data, the band 3 gauges red, light as TM band 4 gauges near infrared. Lake Nakuru is a little shallow alkaline lake situated south of Nakuru town in Kenya. It is a small lake but it is the world’s most famous place where the greatest bird sight on earth. It is where more than one million pink flamingos gather to the lake to eat the excessive algae, which flourishes in the warm waters of the lake (Jones, Settle and Wyatt, 2006). Scientific scholars have approximated that the population of the flamingos at Lake Nakuru uses about 250, 000 kg of algae per hectare of surface area every year. However, it is not only the flamingos found at Lake Nakuru although they are the most abundant; Pelicans and cormorants are also present in large numbers. In reality, Lake Nakuru is actually a home for more than 400 different species of birds, which means that it is the leading place with variety of bird species than any other place in the country. The second step is adding color to the Ratio Vegetation Index representation (Bonner, Rohde and Miller, 2001). This is done through reloading the Nakuru image although this time one clicks on the raster options tab to add dialog and show as a pseudo color image. Then select raster/Attributes on the viewer menu bar for Nakuru-rvi.img. The f ollowing raster editor should be displayed Select edit/colors from the Attribute Editor Menu. The following color Editor should be displayed: From this color tab, try changing different colors at the start and end colors, and choose the Apply button. The Nakuru-rvi.img representation has to change color. Try

Monday, August 12, 2019

Wal-Mart and the UFCW (labour relations) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-Mart and the UFCW (labour relations) - Essay Example to close its stores in locations where workers struggle to gain the support of labor unions, moving to court to oppose the actions undertaken by unions, conducting public relations campaign on its website, and replacing workers who act against the company. The company uses all these strategies so that it can continue paying workers low monthly wages and low compensation for over time. While the firm opposed labor unions in Saskatchewan, it faced legal, social, and political environmental factors. The company opposes the entry of its workers in trade unions to prevent the unions from representing employees and bargaining for higher wages and over time charges. For example, the company opposed the certification of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) in Saskatchewan, in 2004. The union applied for certification with the Saskatchewan Labor Relations Board (Vance, & Paik, 2011). The board ordered Wal-Mart to provide the union with the relevant documentation. However, the managers of Wal-Mart filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Canada, and this delayed the certification of UFCW. In 2009, Wal-Mart appealed against a court order that granted UFCW the certification to represent the employees of the company (Hamilton, & Webster, 2009). This led to the withdrawal of the certification in June, in the same year. While still opposing the certification of trade unions in court, the company also instills fear in employees by threatening to close its stores. Such a thre at triggers workers to restrain from supporting trade unions so that they can retain their jobs. The company threatened to close one of its retail outlets in Quebec, in North America because the workers of the store had signed an agreement with a trade union that had lasted for four months (Lewin, Kaufman, & Gollan, 2011). The company also threatens its workers that it may replace them whenever they act against the aims of the organization (Mattera, 2013). Since this means that workers lose

Psychology human development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psychology human development - Essay Example It would elaborate over the human development theories applied to the individual with respect to her interactions and behaviors observed. Location The subject is observed in a playground of a club that the family visits often. The playground has swings and other recreational equipment such as see-saw, slide, monkey bars and overhead ladder for children. The children found in the playground are usually between the ages of 3 to 11 years old. The subject visits the playground with her mother who usually sits on the benches with mothers of other children. Subject The subject of this naturalistic observation is a girl between the age of four and six years old. She is the eldest child with a younger brother who is between three to five years in age. During the observation, the subject showed a variation in behavior and opened up gradually. The observation was for about half an hour during which the mother was present at the location and was looking over the subject. However, she was in clo se proximity throughout the observation. Interactions observed The observation initiated when the subject was brought to the playground early evening accompanied by her mother. For some time, she stayed alongside her mother and observed the children who were playing on the swings and other activities. Finding comfort with her mother in a place where everyone else was unknown to her displayed her reliability over her mother. According to the development theory of Erik Erickson, this shows that the subject has overcome the stage of Trust Vs Mistrust. The subject was not reluctant to go play in the ground, but since she did not know any of the children she stayed with her mother and observed. As the subject began to interact with the children, she started the conversation about the game that they were playing. She had been observing them and went to the group where she thought she would best fit. This decision was made by her own judgment and could prove that she was demonstrating Eric kson's development theory stage of Initiative vs. Guilt. As the girls she approached were swinging, she found a common interest. She said to them that she could do it to and said "you know I can swing faster than that." The conversation did not involve asking names or any other information but they quickly started sharing their routines and talked about other games that they loved playing. The subject told them about the games that she played with her little brother and her cousins. Behaviors observed At first the child showed a shy behavior when she did not go to play with the children right away. Gradually, she moved on to the children who seemed the most similar to her. She chose to play with girls who were around her age instead of going towards boys. As the subject moved on to play with the girls, the theory of Vygotsky's about principles of guided participation and zone of proximal development could be applied as her mom encouraged her to go play on the swings. Eventually, as the child interacted with the other children she opened up and became energetic and active. She showed a competitive behavior as she said that she could also play the game that they were playing. In just a few moments she had started running around, playing on different recreational equipment with her new friends. It was noticed that within the span of ten minutes of interaction, the child had developed close bonds with her new friends and when her mother called her for supper, she did not want to leave her friends.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Taha Computer Network Security Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Taha Computer Network Security Services - Essay Example Taha Company will also be concerned with the collective mechanisms and processes that will be involved in safeguarding the sensitive and valuable information from publication. This will help safeguard the information and the computers of the individuals and companies from physical damage.There are measures and plans in the future to offer other computer services to the clients. These other services include offering both the software and hardware maintenance and providing computer training to the individuals and the companies who are our clients.Taha Computer Security Service Company has a competitive advantage over any other business since there is none other company that offers computer security services in the region. The owners of computers and vital information have been exposed to both physical damages and other damages caused by malfunctions and Trojans, which have led to the loss of income of the individuals and companies.The company’s mission is to be an information te chnology ally to its clients and to provide computer security and protection to its clients in a wider market. This will only be achievable by an increment in the company’s returns, which will be used in expansion to other markets to provide these services. Our support services to help in the market capture and expansion include training, offers, and network services. The company will also seek for other new opportunities to be able to be competitive enough once other businesses invade the industry.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Stressors and Stress Management Mechanism Among First Year Principals Essay

Stressors and Stress Management Mechanism Among First Year Principals - Essay Example Therefore, they need to be adequately prepared intellectually, physically, and psychologically for these tasks. When principals are mandated to run a new school, these challenges are exemplified by the fact that they are still new to the work environment. Meeting all the above obligation in a new school is indeed challenging particularly in the first year when they have not adapted to the new work environment. Assisting them adapt swiftly and smoothly into the new school environment will greatly reduce the stress levels and therefore enable them expedite their duties as principals in an efficient and effective way. Once they have a good start, then it becomes possible to run the institutions effectively and efficiently thereby meeting the rising demands of higher academic standards. This research will therefore investigate the following: First year principals face many challenges due to the demands of a new institutional environment. The transition period to the new work environment predisposes the principals to new and unique set of stressors such as high levels of expectation on performance, new set of institutional values and traditions, uncooperative teachers, dealing with failed school performance especially when transfer was made to resuscitate the school, among others. Lack of adequate preparedness, support and empowerment causes stress and in extreme cases, burnout. No matter the cause of transition from one school to another, challenges are always present. This calls for an investigation into the problem of transition of principal ship with the aim of coming up with a new set of more efficient coping mechanisms. Being new in a school set up presents a set of stressors that are otherwise not present when the principals have worked on the school for quite some time. The new work environment has different cultural, economic, social, and

Friday, August 9, 2019

Defines Compares and Contrast Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Defines Compares and Contrast - Coursework Example ther hand has been defined to be the putting together of creative ideas either in paperwork or in physical pattern to make the idea a tangible value (Zhao, Calantone and Cavusgil, 2002). Capron (1999) also mentioned that innovation represents the actual implementation of something that is new. From the definitions given, it would be noted that there are some ways in which all of these three important terms are different from each other and other ways in which they closely relate to each other. Comparing the three terms, Poon, Choi and Davis (2008) explained that all of innovation, design and creativity are needed in a typical organization to make the execution of organizational goals possible; especially in cases where organizations want to build a competitive advantage for themselves. By this explanation, the meaning that is drawn is that innovation, design and creativity are all focused on bringing about things that are new and different from what already exists. Therefore even though the three may carry different meanings, they are all concerned with new ideas because it is when organizations are able to differentiate themselves from others through creative, innovative and design oriented means that they gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Another important similarity that organizational leaders ought to know in the application of these three terms is that none of the three is independent on its own (Capron, 1999). Rather, they each depend on the other t o ensure the objectives for which they are independently set are achieved. By implication, even though each of these can help organizations achieve different objectives, the achievement will not be made if the three are not used together. Despite the similarities, there are various differences that exist between these three terms. For example, whereas creativity is abstract and produces abstract results, innovation is highly tangible as it results in implemented products. In effective, a person